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Outdoor Family Portrait Shoot - 250€
- From 2-5 participants, 10E each additional individual
- 1.5-hour photo shoot

- Portraits of each family member and group photos (Mama +, Papa +, Mama + Papa, etc.)


Outdoor Family Lifestyle Shoot - 500€
You and your family in the process of participating in one or several of your favorite outdoor activities… Includes candid shots in order to capture the émotions, expressions, family bonds, family traditions and rituals with the goal of recounting your story in images.

- From 2-5 participants, 10E each additional individual

- 3-hour photo shoot

- Portraits of each family member and group photos (Mama +, Papa +, Mama + Papa, etc.)


The 4 Seasons – Custom Shoots (Sample Rates Below)
4 Outdoor Family Portrait Shoots reserved in advance for the year = 880€
4 Outdoor Family Lifestyle Shoots reserved in advance for the year = 1650€

- From 2-5 participants, 10E each additional individual
Because each season possesses its own personality, charm, light, and colors, and so do you and your family. A great way to witness not only the evolution of the seasons – spring in bloom, golden summer, the warmth of autumn’s tones, winter’s cool palette of colors – throughout the year but also those of the members of your family!  


Rates cover the 3 essential creative stages of photography and are aligned with rates recommended by the UPP (Union of Professional Photographers)

• Preparation Time : Time dedicated to assessing the work to be accomplished, to draft an estimate, to conduct any necessary research and scouting (exchange of ideas, site scouting – in advance of photo shoot – which allows for an analysis of the space, an inquiry into the available light…), and to prepare photographic equipment…

• On-Site Shoot Time: Time on site to set up photographic equipment, photo shoot, and break-down of photographic equipment.

(This is the time that is visible to you during our shoot.)

• Post-Production: Time to download photos and perform post-production work (including toning for light and color, etc., retouching…), upload photos to online gallery, send photos, prepare final bill…

*Travel expenses covered up to 20km, 0,60E/km beyond 20km radius

**Additional digital photos available for purchase

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